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IFS Spend Supports UK Mail App Launch

Leading independent parcels, mail and logistics services company UK Mail immediately ordered a second Foliant Gemini 400A laminator from Intelligent Finishing Systems after its first proved to be an invaluable bindery addition.

Weeks after first system was installed at the operation’s Birmingham site in June a second was bought for UK Mail’s Bristol operation.

The systems will support an anticipated increase in demand for postcards generated by a new phone app. Set to be launched shortly it will enable orders to be placed via customers’ mobiles.

The app is another string to the bow of the operation’s Imail division that allows users to email documents that are then printed and sent for next day delivery – this includes letters, direct mail, marketing postcards and other forms of correspondence.

“We wanted a faster system to cope with the increase in demand expected for our postcards,” explains Lloyd Hadland, imail National Operations Manager for UK Mail, on the choice of the first laminator.

“We expect to see volumes increase by 100% to 150% in the next 12 months. As a result we anticipate we will achieve a return on investment in two years.”

The entry level 15 mpm Foliant Gemini 400A, with a fast warm up and interactive touch screen was chosen after a review of other systems available on the market explains Mr Hadland; “We liked the build quality and automation on the Gemini.”

He added: “It is so easy to use. It also gives a great finish at the end of the day. This made ordering a second a very easy choice.”