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Brailsford Printers’ Double Bindery Boost

Rotherham quick printer, John Brailsford Printers has installed a Horizon PF-40L B3+ paper folder and a Horizon CRF-362 creaser folder to eliminate hand folding, streamline production and improve profit margins.

“We like to be trendsetters,” explains owner and managing director John Brailsford, “we were the first operation in the region to install a Presstek 52DI waterless press and the folder and creaser are first to the Rotherham area too. We have a long-standing relationship with IFS and trust the Horizon build so implicitly that we bought the machines without demonstration and it was a significant investment. We hadn’t realised the creaser folder was in the range and when we reviewed it, we knew it would make a big difference. We have such confidence in the Horizon equipment. It was probably the easiest sale that IFS have ever made!”

He continues: “We were getting to the point where most customers wanted work creased and folded. When jobs came off our digital press we also needed a way to prevent cracking and previously it was costly in time and labour or it was being hand folded in-house which also cost both.

We knew that hand folding after scoring was taking time but the only way to achieve the savings was by making the investment. I know we will look back and wish we had done it sooner. We have increased quality and efficiency. We are very much short run on demand printers serving local business and some multinational accounts. Previously we would produce overs – so for a 250 run job we would print say 275. Now, with this easy to set up system, we don’t need any overs as every sheet is accurately finished.”

The Horizon CRF-362 creaser folder, designed to handle the unique requirements of creasing and folding digital colour output across a wide range of light and heavy weight stocks, coated or uncoated, creases and folds in one. Capable of up to ten crease lines on a sheet, the system uses an impact scoring technology that eliminates or minimizes cracking of the stock or printed image. Set-up and changeovers – including fold pattern, creasing number, and up/down crease selection – are made easy via a high resolution colour touch screen designed for simple and intuitive operation.

The operation also invested in a Horizon PF-40L which replaced an aging Morgana folder. Mr Brailsford explains: “It was time to upgrade and we looked at Morgana products but the Horizon system was very easy to use and built to last. We needed something to handle a digital sheet and wanted a solution that every employee in the factory could use. For us it is a long-term investment that will enable us to grow the business. It is quick set up and operational ability will enable us to do more.”

The affordable small footprinted Horizon PF-40L paper folder features a uniquely designed suction rotor feeding mechanism that can handle a wide variety of paper stocks from 52.3gsm up to 200+gsm. Up to 20 jobs can be stored in the on-board computer for instant recall while a five speed option runs up to 390 sheets per minute. It assures a crisp, tight fold quality thanks to its high grip urethane rubber fold rollers. The gap can be easily adjusted to suit different paper weights while a registration guide ensures accurate sheet transportation.

As for assessing return on investment, says Mr Brailsford: “It is not something we will be able to easily quantify as the Horizon CRF-362 does not win or complete a specific type of work. What it does do is create an essential link in the chain. But with both systems we are at least 50% faster in folding and creasing. Where we would have quoted a longer turnaround time before we are now faster. We can be more job competitive which means we are able to win more orders. The Horizon CRF-362 allows us to crease and fold laminated sheets that were too thick to go through the older machine so that adds another opportunity.”